Infrastructure Management

Infrastructure needs typically fall in the following categories:

  • Local area networks (LANs) and Wide area networks (WANs)
  • Network Security
  • Internet Access
  • Internet Services (e-mail, Web sites, etc.)
  • Hardware:Servers, Workstations, Printers, Switches, Routers etc.
  • Software:Productivity Software, Specialized Business Software, ERP etc.

Team Tranquil expertise in this area helps business cut costs and dedicate more of their resources to other areas of the business.

Get in touch

Global Head OfficeGlobal Head Office

271 US Highway 46 Ste F205 Fairfield,
NJ 07004-2448, USA

+1 (732) 560 - 1900
+1 (815) 352 - 8851

India Office NumberIndia Head Office

Team Tranquil Software Solutions (P) Ltd.
Unit No-208, KTC Illumination
Gafoor Nagar, Madhapur,
Hyderabad - 500081, INDIA

+91 (800) 883 - 4568
+1 (815) 352 - 8851

India Office NumberIndia Branch Office

Team Tranquil Software Solutions (P) Ltd.
532, Elite Elegance,
Gotri - Sevasi main Road,
Gotri - 390021, Vadodara, Gujarat, INDIA

+91 (265) 225 - 5411
+1 (815) 352 - 8851